Learn Web Development and Actually Get a Job!
how is it possible for an average construction worker to learn to code to get that super hard first web development job and then get hired by a large tech company making hundreds of thousands of dollars in total compensation each year nine years ago i was totally that construction worker because i couldn’t get another job with my near worthless history degree so i ended up freezing my butt off in the cold each winter doing physical labor for mediocre pay.
and no benefits i’m now a full-time senior front-end software engineer at adobe and i’m self-taught working in a nice cozy office so let’s talk about why most self-taught devs fail why you should choose to become a front-end developer instead of learning java php python or some other back-end focused programming language the technologies you should learn the right way to learn to code and.
how to get your first job as a programmer what’s a matter with your mind and your side and uh but first what’s your background story i would totally dig it if you’d let me know in the comments this bump alright there are four main reasons most people fail when they want to become a self-taught programmer.
first they underestimate how hard it’s going to be there are plenty of videos out there about people who are learning to code in three months six months and in my case it took around nine months though three to six months is probably not very common unless you end up in a full-time boot camp that can really help you stay focused i did it in nine months in the evenings with the support and patience of my wife and kids because i end up having to sacrifice pretty much every evening during that time and that’s not going to be something that’s going to be doable for a lot of people it took a ton of.
self-discipline on my part especially on the days where i just wanted to give up because there will be those days you also have to be realistic about your ability to learn quickly some people learn incredibly fast and things just stick others need more time to process it if you compare your progress to a fast learner you’re gonna get discouraged and may quit even if you’re actually learning code at a normal pace second for most people getting your first programming job is going to suck i’ll share some good strategies to.
overcome this in a minute but a lot of people wash out before getting that first job third some people’s brains just aren’t wired for this kind of work i know plenty of people who are amazing working with their hands and that’s totally fine there’s nothing wrong with that if you think that you before you give up i encourage you to question yourself is it really because you don’t have the brain for it or is it just.
because it’s hard and you lack grit fourth a lot of people make poor decisions when it comes to picking a programming language or area of software development so let’s talk about why i chose to become a front-end web developer and in simple terms front-end web development is just the visual part of a web page or application that you interact with there are a couple of really important reasons why i chose this first i have nothing against back-end development it’s super important.
this is where the magic happens for storing and retrieving data but let’s face it back-end code is visually boring and this means when you go into interview the only thing they have to test you on are code problems and your ability to communicate what you know verbally you’re new so you might understand what you’re doing but it’s super easy to get stuck trying to explain things and just not using the.
right words to describe it and to get hung up at least that’s how it was for me when i first started perhaps that’s hard for you too right now this puts us at a disadvantage when competing against fresh computer science grads i mean we could even code better than them but they can out talk us and they have some paper to back them up but the cool thing about front end development is that you.
can show the finished project even if you stumble on describing some of the things they can see what you have done if you have other valuable skills like an eye for aesthetics or good user experience intuition it will show through in your work second the front end includes everything from software engineering skills to design skills and so it tends to be more open to self-taught developers as a community.
it’s a pretty big mix of different backgrounds whereas with back-end development you can tend to have a higher concentration of computer science grads now it’s still going to take a lot of hard work but it’s going to be easier to stand out and out skill other self-taught front-end web developers who maybe just don’t have the same level of ambition as you do third on the front end there are plenty of tools to make it super easy to set up.
boilerplate code needed for an application and that lets you quickly jump into developing everyday code skills without getting lost doing all the complex configuration stuff you can learn all of that later for a lot of people being able to see visual changes happening on the page can be super exciting it’s awesome to get fast feedback on the progress you’re making and this really helped me stay.
motivated with back end there are also tools to set things up but the basic stuff can be pretty boring and it’s just so much harder to impress people with what you have done it’s like walking in the shadows of your girlfriend’s real boyfriend this is really important when talking to non-technical hiring managers or recruiters because even these people can appreciate a website or an app that looks nice even if they don’t know.
what’s going on underneath the hood especially websites where you can hit that like button i would totally appreciate that so oops but you are going to end up having to learn three things html css and javascript html is kind of like code legos that gives your app structure the css or cascading style sheets lets you define the size the shape color the animations for each of those legos at javascript is how we give.
it instructions if someone clicks on a button what should happen maybe it loads some data onto the page if you hear someone say vanilla javascript they’re talking about writing code with plain javascript without using any third-party libraries or frameworks and the software engineers we do a lot of repetitive stuff and instead.
of writing everything from scratch ourselves smart devs will usually use libraries of heavily tested code written by other people you should probably ignore anyone who says you should only use vanilla javascript or else you’ll end up basically building your own crappy library that nobody else knows how to use and if you care about.
actually getting a job most companies will want you to have experience working with one of the major javascript frameworks like react or you could learn angular if you want to become a boomer living in your mother-in-law’s basement for a concise breakdown of several popular front-end frameworks you should check out this video up here by fireship where he basically builds out like 10 different versions of the same simple application.
to compare them it’s really cool either way the right way to learn to code is not reading a book cover to cover it’s not trying to understand everything there’s just way too much stuff in html css and javascript that you just won’t use it’s far better to master the core concepts and to learn all that other stuff as you need it at some other time instead of just becoming mediocre in everything the best way to figure this out is to just step away from following tutorials as soon as you’re comfortable.
with the basics and just start building things that solve problems that you are already interested in as you write code you’ll start to identify things that you just keep doing over and over again and you should focus on learning how to do those things really well how can you make that code chunk smaller more reusable maybe more efficient and easier to read that kind of stuff and then you should be able to explain why you chose to do it the way you did in your interview you’ll probably get asked questions that.
stump you or that are just hard to remember the exact answer if you understand generally what’s going on it’s going to be super easy for you to say i don’t remember that one thing and then just start to explain everything else and that’s probably one of the best tips for dealing with your first interview in fact that is exactly what happened during the interview that led to my first job offer being able to.
talk about a lot of core concepts could really make up for messing up on some random technical question and trust me i messed up on a few questions and here are some more tips for how to get your first job as a programmer first most people who are fast at getting their first dev job either know someone at the company or they have someone mentoring them who can vouch for them and their skills or else they just got lucky and.
if you want to be that person try to build solid relationships with people in the industry as soon as possible second if you’ve made it this far i assume you are liking this video so consider subscribing i have a ton of other videos to help you become a programmer okay for reals second you are at a distinct disadvantage when compared to computer science grads they have a paper that vouches.

for their educational experience and that is something you don’t and most certificates from doing courses online are going to be worthless so don’t count on those you have to get practical experience any way possible and that means build your own projects work for free if you have to but you have to find creative ways to get your own experience in my case i built personal projects in the evening and then in my downtime.
at work i started building things and doing things for my employer that could provide them value and build some skills stuff that they didn’t even ask for and this means i had to be proactive and come up with ideas on my own i created my own opportunities to get experience and you’re gonna have to do similar things too third you want to have a portfolio that can sell your potential and instead of focusing all of.
your attention on a single large project i would shoot for a handful of smaller projects first and then do one that is more of a complex project the people interviewing you are probably only going to give it a quick glance so seeing lots of projects is going to have a bigger visual impact initially and by starting with building the smaller ones you’re going to get some quick wins that are going to help you stay.
motivated and then dive into that larger one if you start with a really complex app there’s just a good chance that you are going to get lost and that you might give up for these projects you need to do stuff that interests you rather than just copying existing projects or tutorials simple and unique applications are going to be way better than a complex tutorial clone but a unique complex project will really stand out and don’t get me.
wrong i mean following tutorials can really help you develop your skills but just don’t consider them to be good portfolio pieces when you get to an interview there’s a good chance that they haven’t even clicked the link to see your portfolio so bring an ipad or laptop and be prepared to show them what you built and explain the technologies you use and why you did what you did if you used multiple.
frameworks tell them what you liked about each one and what you didn’t like that will go a long ways fourth and one of my personal favorites is don’t just sit there hoping they’ll ask you the right questions it’s like politics instead of waiting timidly just answer their question as best you can and then try to steer the conversation to related topics you are prepared to discuss with confidence fifth the spray and pray approach to sending.
out resumes just doesn’t work well if that’s what you’re doing don’t complain about why you’re not getting interviews you need to do whatever you can to get in contact with the hiring manager directly instead of going through hr and the online application process you don’t want to be a no name in a database the goal is to have the company want you before you ever fill out an application is this going to be easy.
no it’s not but all it takes is getting your foot in the door one time and so be willing to fight for that because no one owes you anything and no one is going to care about your career as much as you do even if that first job offer doesn’t pay very well you should really consider taking it so you can start getting some real world experience as soon as possible because getting that first dev job is going to.
be the hardest and you can always bounce a year later if you need to but if you really want to know why some front-end software engineers make a ton more money than others you should watch this video up here and i’ll even share how much money i made at each of my jobs as a self-taught developer latest.
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