Web Developer Roadmap 2022 – Career In Web Development
In 2022, do you plan to work as a full stack web developer? If you’re wondering if it’s too late to start if you’re a programmer, no, it’s not too late let me show you what you need to do in last year’s roadmap.
This year, I’m going to stick to a roadmap of the core strengths you need to master in order to become a full stack web developer in 2022. After that, I’ll discuss a few technologies that are optional extra curricular activities that you might want to look into after you’ve learned the fundamentals. I had a crazy spaghetti diagram of hundreds of technologies and explained how they are all related, but I think that this just overwhelmed and confused people.
How to choose a programming language in 2022?
I’m going to give you a roadmap, but I’ve also compiled a list of free resources for each technology that will help you get started with each one. I’ll be referencing a lot of resources in this article, and you can find links to all of them in this article.
The best method to choose a technology is to look at the market, the organizations you want to work for, and see what technologies they use. Then, learn those languages. I want to be clear, though, that you don’t need to master every technology available. One brief disclaimer: I’m not going to cover every technology out there, so if there is anything that interests you, please let me know. The beautiful thing is that once you learn one programming language, it’s relatively straightforward to pick up another.
I ignore it’s not because that would be bad. The best skill for any developer to master is googling Google is a developer’s best friend when you don’t know how to fix an issue or you need to learn how to accomplish a specific task, the first thing that you should do is google it. There is a great use case for every tech, but I’m going to focus on the ones that I think will be great to know in 2022, so let’s get into it. Try to research the answer to your own query, especially while learning a new technology.
Learn How To Google
Get really good at googling even the most experienced developer can’t remember everything. The first thing that you should understand if you’re just getting started is how the internet works. You need a basic understanding of how browsers, domain names, and hosting work. If you do need to reach out to the community for help, be very detailed in what your issue is and what you’ve already tried and searched for.
I have a few excellent resources that will help you comprehend these ideas.
Select A Browser.
After that, you’ll need to set up your basic web development tools. The browser, code editor, and terminal are the most crucial ones because they determine how your end users will experience your applications. I like to use a chromium-based browser as my primary browser.
When it comes to testing your websites and web apps, you need to test with all of the major browsers to ensure that your application will work properly in all of them. At the moment, I test every project in Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox to ensure that it looks good and functions in all of them. I use Microsoft Edge specifically, but Chrome and Brave are other chromium-based browsers that are great.
Code Editor.
The text editor is a web developer’s closest buddy, and the more you know about its features, the more quickly and accurately you can create code.
The majority of developers use VS Code, which is now my favorite code editor. I have a ton of resources on my YouTube channel that can help you install configure, learn the basics of, and master vs Code. If you’re really serious about mastering vs Code, I even have an entire course that will teach you how to become a vs Code superhero.
The command line, also known as the terminal, is the next thing you’ll need to get used to using. Some people are afraid of it, but I assure you it’s not that bad. There are many options for a terminal. Every operating system has one; Windows, in fact, has two: the command prompt and PowerShell. You can also use the Windows Subsystem for Linux, or wsl, which gives you a Linux shell on Windows.
Which Programming Language You Should Choose?
As soon as your local environment is set up, it’s time to start coding. The first languages you should learn are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you’re using Mac OS or Linux, I recommend zsh, and I’ll provide links to all of those. The first thing to learn is html since it gives a website structure, CSS makes it look decent, and JavaScript makes things happen. HTML is used on every online page. it serves as the foundation of the web. HTML gives a website its structure, but it’s essentially a markup language, so you’ll need to understand the fundamental syntax. semantic HTML forms and accessibility validation best practices for SEO.
Top Programming Languages You Should Learn In 2022.
I have a ton of materials that you may use to learn all of that. There is a lot to CSS, so if you plan to focus on front-end development, it’s crucial that you fully understand it. After learning the fundamentals, you’ll want to learn the layout features flexbox and CSS grid. After that, make sure to get comfortable with responsive design, including rim units viewport settings, fluid width, and more.
And then there are CSS frameworks. Some people skip over CSS basics and jump right into a framework, which is not a good idea because you need to have a firm grasp of CSS before learning a framework. CSS frameworks are included later in the roadmap, so I wouldn’t recommend looking into any at this time.
Currently, the first programming language you’ll learn as a developer is JavaScript. A markup language is HTML. You’ll need to grasp the fundamental grammar because JavaScript powers the website’s functionality whereas CSS is a styling language. manipulate the domain the features of the retrieve api’s json and es6 plus Spend the majority of your time here because it’s crucial to understand JavaScript in its entirety before moving on. If you want to learn a JavaScript framework, such as React or Vue, wait until you have a firm grasp of Vanilla Plain JavaScript because these frameworks are built on JavaScript, so you must have this understanding first.
I have a ton of resources listed for you to fully learn JavaScript after that, I would advise you to learn a little more about the terminal because as you start learning about version control frameworks, deployments, and other tech, you’ll need to use the terminal more and more, so now is a good time to do so. A ton of resources are again listed in the description below, and version control is a crucial skill to learn. As you begin working with other developers on a team, each individual makes modifications to the code base, and they need to be tracked. Version control lets you to keep track of changes to your code base.
Hosting/Deploy Your Projects.
In order to keep track of changes and work on projects, you must learn git and GitHub. These are both part of continuous integration, or ci cd. pipelines for continuous deployment. The next step would be for you to learn and comprehend how to set up a hosting service and deploy a basic website. The simplest way to do this is with a static host like Netlify, Cloudflare or GitHub pages, which allow for easy deployment and can be integrated with GitHub so that every time you update your GitHub repo, your site will automatically rebuild and deploy.
At this point in the road map, you should know enough to call yourself a front-end developer. You should be able to construct a static website and deploy it and manage it. If not, you might want to look into a more traditional hosting provider like Roku lenode and there are many others.
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Backend Technologies.
Now that you’ve learnt about JavaScript, you should start looking into some back-end technologies, such as Node JS. JS enables us to use JavaScript with node and on the backend server. With js and Express JS, we can design routes, create api’s, create connections to databases, and do so much more.
Also covered is the package management node. Node package managers (npm), which are included with js, make it simple to add pre-built packages to our apps so that you may complete a variety of activities without having to start from scratch each time. next study application programming interfaces (apis). APIs let you to run a particular kind of backend query or computation and then transmit the results to the front end. An easy example is asking for data from a database; the server’s api will handle the request and give the information to the front end.
This enables us to strengthen the security of our application because we don’t want the front end to handle these tasks because doing so would reveal our database login information. Rest or restful api, as well as other types like GraphQL, are terms used to describe how the api enables us to accomplish all of this behind the scenes and just send the generated data to the user.
Every website needs to maintain track of some data, such as products or blog entries, and I have resources on all of them listed below. There are also many other types of databases, such relational document graph y column and many others. Just to be clear, I am a developer champion for MongoDB. Having said that, I do not believe that there is a single technology that can replace all others; there are various sorts of databases for a reason.
You should perform your own study to understand technologies so that you can choose the best ones for your use case. Some technologies are better than others depending on the use cases, therefore I won’t tell you that one database is the greatest or that you should always use this one sort of technology.
Since the tables in relational databases are linked to one another by unique IDs, they resemble spreadsheets with tables. Because of how these databases are built, you will likely need an ORM, or object relational mapping, to make mapping the connected data because relational databases are more rigid and require you to define each table’s column and type in advance.
The most popular databases of this type use SQL or structured query language; examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL. Relational databases based on SQL have been around for decades, and not much has changed. This way, when queried, it will return all of the connected data that you need. Therefore, for each query, it must reach out to each individual table and join the data back together before returning the results.
Compared to SQL databases, document databases are a relatively new technology that offers several advantages. Document databases provide more flexibility because they are by default less stringent than relational databases, but you may make them as rigorous as you like. The best example of a document database uses documents that include json because json is based on javascript and is much simpler to grasp and incorporate into your application. Document databases don’t employ ORMs or object relational mapping.
JavaScript Frameworks
MongoDB, in my opinion, is at this point in the roadmap where I would advise learning a front-end javascript framework, but I can’t stress this enough: Make sure you are familiar with JavaScript before moving on to this phase. Front-end frameworks have several benefits. You are able to create robust one page applications. Organize your parts so you can create interactive user interfaces quickly. Working in a team makes it obvious how simple it is to divide an application into discrete components for each team member to work on. There are a variety of frameworks available.
According to me, you should pick one of these three to learn. React JS is first since it is by far my personal favorite; it is simple to learn, has excellent community support, is used by many businesses, and has a lot of job vacancies for react engineers. Now comes Vue JS, although Angular JS is currently the third option, vue is arguably the easiest framework to understand. It’s amazing to work with and has great community support, but it isn’t as used in the employment market. An extremely popular framework is angular.
Although there are many job openings for angular developers, I personally don’t enjoy working with it. If you learn react or vue, there are other frameworks that build upon these other frameworks, such as Next js and Gatsby, which are built on top of react and next js, which is built on top of vue. You can look into one of these after learning react review if you want to add something.
Next is a fantastic time to learn a CSS framework, and much like with javascript frameworks, it will help you if you are familiar with CSS before doing so. CSS frameworks merely facilitate the use of CSS, which is still used to style your applications. Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap are the two CSS frameworks that I prefer to employ. You’ll need to implement authentication if your website needs to track user interactions, such as those related to a shopping cart or user accounts. You could do it manually using oauth or javascript web tokens, but it will be easier if you use an authentication provider that handles everything for you. A good one is auth0 and i have resources for you on authentication as well.
CMS or Content Management Systems.
WordPress is probably the most popular content management system (CMS), but it has historically required you to use their service for the back-end CMS and the front-end CMS, so you’re essentially locked in now in the last couple of years if you’re a freelancer. If you want your customers to easily update the content on their website themselves and not bother you every time, you should choose a good CMS for them to use.
WordPress now includes a headless option that lets you utilize a headless CMS with any front-end technology, so you’re not tied to any one. Strapi and Sanity.IO are two more excellent instances of headless CMS.
At this point in the roadmap, you’ve learned enough front-end and back-end technologies to call yourself a full stack developer, but the learning never stops. You have to keep up with the updates and upgrades to the technologies that you’ve learned so far, as well as keep an eye out for new emerging technologies that could add value to current or future projects. I have resources for all of these listed below in the article.
Lack of Motivation / Imposter Syndrome.
hence, keep learning. Along with personal development, these are the top skills you should work on developing: communication. Soft skills, often known as people skills, are something that is sometimes disregarded. work ethic, teamwork, and attention to detail flexibility in managing time interactional abilities innovative leadership. You will also encounter impostor syndrome and a loss of motivation, both of which are major problems. If you want inspiration and help overcoming imposter syndrome, check out Danny Thompson on Twitter and YouTube. You need to surround yourself with people who will encourage you and let you know that you’re not alone.
There are a few other front-end frameworks that you might want to keep an eye on. Svelte has become very popular over the past year and is very easy to learn. There is also a full-featured framework built on top of Svelte called Svelt Kit. It is similar to what Next js is to React.
Another really interesting framework is Astro. With Astro, you can create static websites using Exist. It can combine and create a static HTML site out of all of these, which is an intriguing approach.
To expand your javascript toolkit, you could learn TypeScript, a superset of javascript that allows for static typing—not typing on a keyboard—of elements in your code. This can help you find errors in your code and fix them before running them, and typescript gets compiled into regular javascript on build, so this is a tool you can add.
If you want to improve your CSS abilities, research CSS animation preprocessors and various CSS integration techniques like CSS modules and CSS njs.
Consider learning a different back-end language if you prefer working with back-end technology. Check out Fireship’s 100 Seconds films, where he provides excellent short explanations of each of these languages, to obtain a basic knowledge of what each of them is capable of. the rust php dart python Java, C, C++, Kotlin, and C-Sharp.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
Now, consider looking into blockchain and cryptocurrency. Blockchain is a form of database, however it differs from conventional databases in that it saves data in units called blocks before linking them together.
Due to the immutability of decentralized blockchains, which means that the data cannot be changed once a transaction is recorded, which makes blockchain very secure, you can store any type of data in a block but it’s typically used as a ledger for transactions now bitcoin, among many others, uses blockchain in this manner so that no single person has control. I’ve lately started to learn more about blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and nfts, and let me tell you, I have had a lot of fun understanding it. I also have a ton of resources for you on this issue. The popularity of blockchains has skyrocketed in 2021 and will only increase in 2022.
App Development
If you’ve learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you may use these to build native mobile applications as well. There are other technologies that are popular in mobile app development, but the most well-known ones are react native and flutter. With electron, you can even create cross-platform desktop applications using your web programming expertise. Electron is powered by chromium and node and employs JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
You may create desktop programs for Linux, macOS, and Windows with js. Visual Studio Code, Twitch, Slack, Figma, and Discord AI are a few well-known applications created with electron. and device Learning is frequently used to mimic human intelligence and carry out both simple and difficult tasks, such as the capacity to learn and interpret information, collect data, comprehend human emotions, or resolve challenging business issues.
AI technologies
Now that artificial intelligence (AI) is pervasive, get used to it. It won’t go away, and I wouldn’t worry about it taking your jobs—in fact, there is a lot of demand for new developers who can create and advance these AI technologies, as we have seen over the past year with the explosive growth of machine learning platforms and applications like GitHub co-pilot.
Don’t be harsh on yourself.
Now keep in mind that you don’t need to learn everything that we just covered. Instead, go back to the article’s beginning and read it from there. Use the link in the article to view all of the resources that will help you learn these technologies at each stage after you’ve mastered the fundamentals. Prior to the interview, concentrate on learning the technologies that are utilized in your present or future jobs. For example, if your current employer utilizes angular, concentrate on learning angular, or if the firms you are interviewing with use react, concentrate on learning react.
Don’t worry if you can’t stay up with current trends and technologies most organizations aren’t employing the most cutting-edge technologies, so if you have any spare time and are comfortable with javascript and want to learn some python in your spare time then do that. Be patient, take your time, never stop learning, and never give up. Remember, learning something new takes time. It takes time, patience, and practice to get successful at something.
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