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Become a Highly Paid Blockchain Developer in 2022

Here we will talk about how to Become A Blockchain Developer In 2022. The year 2022 is shaping up to be a watershed moment in blockchain technology. It’s the fastest-growing technology in human history, increasing at twice the rate of the internet in 1998 with the same number of users. In the last year alone, we’ve seen an explosion of new use cases in things like nfts games, d5, and metaverse.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are being invested in this space to fund teams developing the next generation of blockchain applications, and this presents an incredible opportunity to learn high-value blockchain development skills, whether you want to change careers or break into this industry as a highly paid blockchain developer.

Get a job or work as a freelancer; create a profitable blockchain software for others to use or create your own; and trade bots with crypto d5 flash loans. Whatever you want to achieve, I’ll show you all the necessary abilities in this video. I’ll break it down into a road map, a step-by-step approach to get from zero to blockchain master.

even if you’ve never coded before I’m going to show you to do that in this video as a blockchain developer myself who works with this technology daily we’re going to talk about all the questions that you need to know like what programming languages to learn what blockchains to use how much money can you expect to earn and step by step.

So let’s get started on this road map to becoming a highly paid blockchain engineer in 2022. I’m remaking this video because I do it every year, and this year is really essential since a lot has changed in 2021 for 2022, and this area is completely different than it was.

We’ve seen a lot of new use cases rise to the cultural mainstream in the last few years, like nfts crypto gaming defy web 3.0, and also the metaverse, so I’m going to give you an update on everything that’s happened and everything you need to know if you want to take advantage of this huge opportunity, so here’s a quick overview of what we’ll cover today.

so we’re going to talk about the opportunity for blockchain in 2022 talk about you know the state of blockchain what do you what are people doing with it you know what’s the opportunity like for you as a developer how much money can you make you know what’s involved in changing your career so uh the skills that you must know in order to do this.

like the programming languages some actual examples of like what blockchain developers do then we’re gonna talk about a step-by-step plan to actually master blockchain from scratch whether you’re a programmer already or not you know what do you do every step of the way from like knowing nothing all the way to getting your first job building your app becoming freelance or whatever.

Finally, we’ll address some frequently asked questions, such as should I learn a bunch of other programming languages before learning blockchain, how long does it take, do I need a computer science degree, should I learn blockchain as my first language, and so on, so get comfortable, grab a snack, grab a drink, whatever you need because we’re going to be here for a while.

But I have a feeling you’re gonna be really glad that you took the time to read this article. Come back to it, repeat it, you know the bookmark it shares with your friends because this is one of the biggest opportunities that’s ever existed for people to enter into a new technology like this.

So, let’s get started with section one and quantify the blockchain opportunity in 2022. So, as I mentioned before, we’re talking about a technology that’s gaining traction twice as quickly as the internet did in 1998, with the same number of users 150 million, and it’s growing at about twice the rate it was back then. We’ve seen an explosion of use cases, such as nfts d5 gaming metaverse web 3.0.

And this creates a big opportunity for developers to enter this market. Why is that? Well, all those use cases I’m talking about all this adoption is just going crazy, and what that truly generates is demand, and that need has grown over the last year.

and i don’t see it slowing down anytime soon because of that adoption okay so the demand relative to the supply is insane and these aren’t even to scale drawings it’s just showing you like relatively speaking what it looks like and what happens when the supply is low and the demand is this big then the price of compensation for people who have these skills is huge.

so we’re going to see examples that here in a minute but another thing i’ll say about this is some people say well if there’s this imbalance and supply and demand and then you make a video like telling everybody how to do it then that’s just going to flood the market and you won’t have this opportunity more well that’s not really true because the demand is growing faster than the supply of people who are coming in and learning these skills.

And even if everyone watched this video overnight and changed their careers, it wouldn’t be enough to meet demand, and you’d still be in the same situation. All right, let’s talk about one of the most common questions I get, which is how much can you make as a blockchain developer. I’m going to pull up some data here and I’m actually going to analyze it realistically with zero basics.

So, to begin, let’s look at how we may get data. I’m utilizing the website ziprecruiter.com. Okay, I just looked up the average blockchain developer income, which is free data, and it’s 154 000 per year. Now, I know that’s the average, so let’s break that down and think about it critically. Can you expect to just study this stuff and wake up and make that amount of money overnight?

no but when i’m looking at these opportunities i want to know what’s the realistic long-term upside of these types of skills and that’s what a realistic long-term upside is for people who follow through and learn this and actually you know become a highly valuable blockchain developer a good one and so what you can also see of this data is that there’s a lot of people making a lot more than 154 thousand dollars per year.

and yet this big concentration the mode down here in between 116 136 000 per year, so this is where the highest concentration of people are, but you have a lot of people who far exceed this, which actually brings the average up, and so you can even see at the bottom that only about 15% of people make less than a hundred thousand dollars per year.

So you can compare this to other things like you know this is zip recruiter it’s a recruiting website so we’re just working with data that they have based on their platform so you can compare it to other recruiting platforms or other places where you have salary.

data So this basically states, “You know, talent.com average blockchain developer wage is 144 000 per year,” which is quite close to the data that I personally observe from my own experience, but you could also compare to other sorts of development as a data point because we’re looking at a recruiting website.

On the same page, you can see how blockchain compares to mobile development salaries, which are 75 000 dollars per year compared to 154 thousand dollars per year, or roughly twice as lucrative.

so fifty percent more lucrative on average than mobile developer and twice as lucrative compared to web developer so blockchain is an incredibly lucrative field you know it’s one of the highest paying skills in tech so you know that that’s a great opportunity there’s also a lot more to it than just making a lot of money okay so it really is a situation.

where you can have your cake and eat it too there’s a ton of opportunity in that regard but you also get to build the next generation of the internet build cutting edge technology and be a part of history blockchain is also really remote friendly so if you want to work from home you can definitely do that you can work from wherever you want whatever you want in many cases you can become a freelancer there’s lots of opportunities to do that outside of just getting a regular job.

Another thing I like about blockchain is that there are so many different ways to monetize these blockchain development skills. For example, if you’re entrepreneurial and want to create your own application, you can do so. Whether you’re super ambitious and want to create the next billion dollar d5 protocol, you can do so. Or, more conservatively, most people who just want to launch a project.

Uh, you could start a nft project, which isn’t that difficult in the grand scheme of things, and we saw a 12-year-old boy earn 400 000 uh on his summer vacation selling nfts with the weird whale project, and another big opportunity is actually with cryptocurrency trading bots, which are making over two hundred thousand dollars per day okay, so how do they work so it’s not what you might think when you’re thinking about a cryptocurrency trading bot.

a lot of those blow up and you end up losing money so this is different it actually takes advantage of price discrepancies on cryptocurrency exchanges that are powered by smart contracts in the blockchain so as a developer you create your own smart contract that buys cryptocurrency on one exchange and sells it for a higher price on a different exchange.

When they fall out of sync, okay the crazy thing about this is you can do this with blockchain that you can’t do anywhere else. When you create these smart contracts you can’t lose money on the trades. Okay you can lose money with gas fees if you tend to trade and it fails.

but like if you put your own money into it it’s not going to make a trade an unprofitable trade and what’s even crazier is you can you know trade with other people’s money you can borrow money with flash loans as long as you pay it back in the same transaction and that’s a mechanism that doesn’t exist anywhere other than blockchain.

You have no chance of losing that money. You can either borrow millions of dollars, make a trade, pay it back, and pocket the difference, or you may borrow millions of dollars, make a trade, pay it back,

Okay, so we talked about the opportunity for blockchain in 2022, and it’s one of the highest paying fields in tech. There’s a lot of different things you can do with blockchain, from getting a job to becoming a freelancer to creating your own project to building a bot. Whatever you decide to do with blockchain, there are a core set of essential skills, and that’s what we’ll talk about in this section.

what do you need to know if you want to take advantage of this opportunity all right so let’s talk about what does a blockchain developer even do in the first place because if you’re trying to find out what you need to know let’s just talk about the different types of things you would be creating as a blockchain developer.

okay so let’s start off with a high level list of the major use cases for blockchain technology. This list is growing all the time. It grew a lot in 2021 and I expected it to grow in 2022. so the major use cases right now are d5 okay or decentralized finance i’m also kind of including cryptocurrency in that category uh this is where you take existing financial products and move them over to blockchain things like savings lending trading etc. etc.

non-fungible tokens, or nfts Okay, so some of the major use cases right now are digital collectibles, but that’s extending all the time to include a lot more things like public records and so on, so gaming blockchain-based gaming where you can take in-game objects and play to gain all that type of stuff web 3.0.

where you can create uh you know internet of value where you can actually own things and also metaverse where you can create 3d experiences and own things in virtual worlds and a lot more alright so if those are types of things those are the major use cases that exist for blockchain technology that’s what blockchain developers are creating like why do they exist in the first place.

what about blockchain technology makes these things possible in not some other way so it basically said another way why use a blockchain in the first place so some of the main benefits are decentralization so instead of having things very centralized central control you decentralize the control to lots of different people where a community owns something rather than an individual entity censorship resistant.

where nobody can just change things on the blockchain. Are there forever okay trustlessness? You don’t have to trust an intermediary and also transparency when something’s not completely decentralized or completely trustless. We at least have this added benefit of being able to see exactly what happened and verify on chain.

So, this provides This gives rise to all of different use cases, such as the nfts, or blockchain-based gaming, so let’s have a look at how it works. To do so, we’ll start with some theory.

So basically, you have a computer that is run by multiple different people, as you can see in my diagram here, like this is a computer, this is a computer, this is a computer, they’re all called nodes, and they’re all nodes that talk to one another, but this network of computers acts as a single computer, so that’s what the decentralized part of blockchain is all about.

everybody who participates in running basically the same computer so it gets a copy of all the code and all the data that makes up the blockchain so anything that powers a cryptocurrency lives on everybody’s computer anytime a cryptocurrency transaction is sent from one account to another every computer in the network takes part in in most cases every computer takes part in uh validating.

that transaction or mining it and including it into a new block to make sure that everybody’s balance is right the transaction was successful okay and so that’s what gives birth to something like cryptocurrency you wouldn’t want to do this in sort of a web 2.0 mindset where somebody has centralized control inside of a postgresql database where somebody could just you know update your balance on a whim.

You want this uh public ledger out there that can’t be tampered with, that can’t be changed, that can’t be censored, that can’t be changed, and that gives birth to all of these other um use cases that I’m talking about, and actually what what and now enables that is smart contracts.

Okay, so that’s something I really want to focus on right now, smart contracts, because this is one of the core skill sets of blockchain developers, and becoming a blockchain developer in the first place is to become a smart contract developer because smart contracts are the building blocks of blockchain based applications.

There are various types of blockchain developers, such as core developers and application developers. Most developers can make good apps in the great majority of use cases, and smart contracts are what make it possible. They are immutable programs that may be placed on a blockchain to build new things, such as new apps.

nfts are powered by smart contracts many cryptocurrencies that live on top of the ethereum network like the uni swap token the one inch token all that stuff those are smart contracts anytime you interact the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange like uni swap for example that’s powered by smart contracts okay these are the building blocks of blockchain based applications and that’s a lot of what blockchain developers do is creating those.

and so i’ll briefly touch on the rest of these use cases and how you know this is possible on blockchain and not any other way so decentralized finance you know you could have a savings and lending platform that’s decentralized that lets people have high yield uh well this is only possible in web 3.0 because you have these new cryptocurrencies popping up all the time.

that are offering yield farming incentives you have things like flash loans where you can borrow that money for trading like i was talking about with zero money down as long as you pay back in the same transaction you can only do that with smart contracts on blockchain you know nfts you want to have a digital item that’s actually scarce the digital scarcity is really important.

So the smart contract is in charge of enforcing scarcity and keeping track of who owns how many nfts, and whenever you move one around, the smart contract takes it and facilitates that process, and the blockchain um ensures that those balances never change, and then whenever you transfer nft or buy on openc, the smart contract takes it and facilitates that process.

Whatever it is, you can believe that it will always operate the same way twice because it’s a contract, and you can trust that the transactions on this blockchain will be legal since everyone shares it, so games like axe infinite are a wonderful example.

Web 3.0 could really encompass everything on this list like cryptocurrencies defy nfts, where you can earn money to play a game with cryptocurrency, where you can take in-game things out of the game and sell them on another marketplace and actually create real value.

but i’m going to take it as a separate category just to talk about a new internet um where you can do things uh from a web perspective that you can’t do in other places so like you could create a censorship resistant website or the actual website code itself you can’t you know take down so you could do that with something like ipfs that’s not really blockchain technology.

but it’s distributed technology okay you can check out ipfs more if you want to know about that but you can also create a blockchain based social networks for example where you have this added value of censorship resistance so one of the major problems with social media now is censorship so how do you know whether like the items that you’re seeing in your news feed are actually you know it’s like you have a lot of algorithmic curation.

well how do you trust the algorithm how you know it’s not manipulated by somebody else right um how do you know that your post is actually being shared not shadow banned how you know you’re not going to get d platform so you can fix that with web 3.0 and the last one i want to talk about here is the metaverse.

because we’ve seen a huge push on this we saw you know facebook rebrand its entire company its parent company that owns facebook oculus instagram uh to be called mezza to focus on the metaverse okay we’ve seen lots of other companies follow suit as well and so the metaverse is really a 3d embodied internet.

You know, a lot of vr and a lot of ar, we’re still figuring out exactly what it’s going to look like long term. You know, vr and ar have been around for a long time, they’re getting better, and you could just build a centralized siloed vr experience right now, but blockchains are what make the metaverse possible.

So, if you wish to own things in the metaverse without centralized control, you use a blockchain to keep track of the ownership of digital products inside the metaverse and transfer them around from one reality to another, ensuring that no single centralized business owns everything in the metaverse.

So let’s continue on with this and talk about what kind of blockchain developer you should be because this is trying to narrow down and get to the exact skills that you need to learn if you want to accomplish the goals that I’m talking about okay so we’ll talk about programming languages and all that type of stuff in a minute but you really need to focus on exactly what you’re trying to accomplish to zero.

okay so just bear with me here i would broadly group blockchain developers into two different categories so core developers and application developers so what are examples of each of those so a core developer would be basically somebody who’s building blockchain protocols like layer 1 protocols so actually building smart contract platforms or like building uh you know nodes that operate decentralized infrastructure all that type of stuff.

so if you want to learn that that’s a very specific thing it’s a much smaller uh niche within blockchain but what i focus on is actually application development so focusing on things that users are actually interacting with so example if you’re gonna go trade a token on uni swap that’s a dap that’s powered by smart contracts so focusing on creating those smart contracts.

creating the websites that interact with them etc etc that’s what i personally do and that’s what i recommend other people do because there’s more demand for that type of skill so you got more options on the table and then also it’s easier for beginners to learn than core development is now if you want to learn core development your heart’s set on that that’s totally fine.

But if you’re not sure what you want to do, I’d recommend becoming an application developer and focusing on smart contracts. From there, you can specialize. Okay, so I’ll break this down into multiple multiple facets and give you examples. I’m actually going to show you some blockchain applications and how people use them and what you’ll be creating.

real blockchain applications out there in the wild in 2022 that you can use yourself today okay let’s start with the smart contract side of things so like i was saying basically creating smart contracts the programs that live on the blockchain that’s the blockchain side of things but um most blockchain applications have aspects that are really similar to other types of websites that you use out there.

they have a website that users interact with or maybe they have a mobile application that people download on their phone and use okay and then they a lot of times have some sort of web backend or maybe they have some sort of scripts that run offline they need to interact with the smart contracts of the blockchain in some way so basically you want to know how blockchains work.

you want to be able to create smart contracts but then you typically want to have some sort of skill set that lets you interact with the smart contracts and that’s what the front end side of things is so basically this the front end you know development’s basically broken up in the front end and back ends the front end is the thing that the user sees like a user interface and you manipulate um i say minifigure i mean build and change.

So this could be a website or a mobile application, and then the back ends that the user doesn’t see could be something like a web server that does something, because we still use web servers a lot in blockchain development for things that aren’t as important to put in a blockchain, and then we use smart contracts, which are technically still on the back end.

Let’s break out a couple of distinct instances of real-world blockchain applications: what’s the front end, what’s the back end, and so on. Let’s have a look at one of the most popular blockchain applications to see what a blockchain developer performs and what skills they need to know.

which is uni swap so what is it it’s a decentralized exchange so it’s a website where you can go and basically connect your blockchain wallet okay if you go to uniswap.org and you click launch app you’ll see this interface and you connect your uh your blockchain wallet in this case metamask use this little fox icon up here and then you just tell it what cryptocurrency that you want to buy and what cryptocurrency you have and you just click swap and then it does the trade.

and it has some really advanced technology uh powered by smart contracts on the back end these things called this thing called automated market maker okay where it works differently from another exchange there’s cryptocurrency just sitting in the app parked into these uh liquidity pools where the liquidity providers are are just staking their cryptocurrency earn a passive income reward off the trading fees and then the end user gets liquidity to buy and sell the tokens.

because if you go here and say hey i have ether and i want to swap it for different cryptocurrency let’s say die for example where’s the diet come from so it comes from this liquidity pool back there there’s other people that are you know providing cryptocurrency to those smart contracts to the application to facilitate that trade.

All right, and that’s where smart contracts come into play, so when you talk to this website, it’s talking to the blockchain, and it’s talking to these smart contracts, and they’re all kind of glued together, so you can see that all of the cryptocurrencies that are traded on Uni Swap are based on Ethereum.

so they’re erc20 tokens that are also powered by smart contracts if you ever heard of an erc20 token that’s what they are it’s just different cryptocurrencies built on top of a ethereum or an ethereum compatible environment evm environment and so the smart contracts you can actually see them here on etherscan these are the smart contracts that power the unity swap version through protocol.

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here’s all the transactions that are going through it you can look at the smart contract code inside of here alright so this is what a blockchain developer created so let’s break it down to the skills mostly on the back end for uni swap it’s just going to be the smart contracts themselves so this is deployed to ethereum.

So here is ether scan, and you can see the programming language solidity here, so if you’re a blockchain developer writing smart contracts, you’ll want to write them in the solidity programming language and deploy them to the blockchain. We’ll go over how to do that in a minute.

but that’s what that person would do but then also there’s you know a developer who creates this website that’s what a front-end developer does so they create this website with javascript that’s the main programming language used to create interactive websites they also need to know some html and css to create the markup for that page.

but all the interactions that happen anytime you click a button and it does something that’s using javascript okay um anytime that you’re making a request to the blockchain to create a transaction like when your metamask confirmation pops up that’s using javascript okay so javascript is a very widely used language for blockchain development.

especially if you want to create client-side applications or front-end development and so there’s entire specialties where you could just be a front-end developer and you could just interact with other blockchain developers you’re creating a smart contract that’s okay too but even if you get on that route i highly recommend learning smart contract development.

At the very least, the fundamentals, so that you’ll be considerably better at this area of your job, okay? If you were to start from scratch and make a portfolio piece, that would be a fantastic idea, and those are the different types of things you’d be doing and the different types of talents you’d need to know in front end and back end.

Let’s look at another uh example, so let’s look at the board ape yacht club, which is a really popular nft and is on the top of the Ethereum blockchain. At the heart of it is a digital collectible it’s a nft a non-fungible token, and you can see the examples here these collectibles that have different images and so what is a non-fungible token in the first place.

well basically it’s different from a cryptocurrency it’s a token but all the tokens are worth different amounts so a cryptocurrency doesn’t matter which cryptocurrency you have if you have the first bitcoin that was ever mined or the last one it doesn’t matter you can just trade them they’re worth the same but nfts are non-fungible tokens you know different tokens might be worth different ones different amounts so this ape right here might be more valuable than this ape.

all right and so how do you know how valuable they are well the market really decides and so you might see that on a website like open c you can go look at a collection and they’ll tell you you know how uh how much each one’s worse we can just look up right now board ape yacht club and we can see um you know different examples here so this one’s worth you know this much 39 eth 40 each so there’s a hierarchy and how much these each of these are worth.

so what if you wanted to create one okay so you need a couple different things the back end side mostly is going to be with smart contracts like i was talking about before you can see the board api club contract here on etherscan okay so you need to create that smart contract with solidity that’s the programming language you need to know so the cool thing about nfts is a lot of them work really kind of the same way.

Okay, they basically utilize a standard called the erc721 standard, so in many situations you could just copy and paste a different contract and edit it and tailor it for yourself all right, and then you’d have what’s called a nft drop where you make a website.

Let’s imagine you want to go through the complete process of minting nfts and selling them on a secondary market like openc like I’ve shown you before. That’s why I show you how to do the nft master class that we did inside the blockchain mastery program.

so basically you know you need to you need the smart contracts you need a website to do the nft drop so you create a website and javascript and then anytime you click the mint button that would use a library like web3.js or etherjs to talk to the blockchain and do that transaction okay so those are types of skills you need to know and then uh inside that smart contract maybe in a different smart contract you would want that mint functionality that creates a new nft from scratch.

you’d start from zero and create a new one any time someone’s minted until you hit the supply cap which in many cases is like 10 000 nfts so the last thing I’ll talk about is the image the artwork so you need to create the custom artwork but where does it go because you don’t really want to put pictures on a blockchain it’s just not scalable and it’s going to be too expensive in many cases won’t work at all.

so those images typically live on top of something called ipfs which is the interplanetary file system this is not a blockchain but it’s a distributed censorship resistant uh network of files so you have nodes that talk to one another that store files redundantly okay and in many cases the nfts just have a link inside of them that points to ipfs that can fetch that image and then render it out on the page.

So when you’re looking at your nft inside your blockchain wallet after you’ve purchased it, it’s pulling that image in from ipfs, and that’s something you’d also want to know as a backend developer who creates smart contracts, is how do I just put pictures on ipfs, how do I get the URLs back, store the metadata, and then save it to my nft, and that’s exactly what I show you how to do inside it.

So that’s another ability you’ll need to master if you want to make your own nft project. Let’s look at another example that’s a little different from the others. Let’s imagine you wanted to make a blockchain-based mobile app. Arjun is a fantastic example of this. It’s a blockchain wallet where you can store users’ private keys and communicate with other blockchain apps.

or hey maybe you could create a blockchain application yourself on the backend so this is similar to the front-end development side of things because i want to talk about mobile development because this is an area that actually has some overlap with blockchain like i was saying you could take blockchain knowledge and then specialize in something else.

that talks to the blockchain and if you take that blockchain knowledge it’s going to make that other side of the equation really valuable so getting the basics of smart contract development and all that type of stuff before you try to build a mobile app it was really valuable if you want to build a blockchain based mobile app like i said arjun is a mobile wallet.

so you want to do things like store private keys on there maybe integrate with third-party payment solutions to onboard new users that’s a task in and of itself those are you know what mobile developers would do how to integrate traditional web apis to take credit cards and um you know link those to your account so you can actually make transactions.

But, let’s say you want to issue cryptocurrency after that person has entered their payment information, you’ll need to be able to communicate with the blockchain in some way. So, first and foremost, let’s talk about mobile technologies to get that out of the way. There are many different ways to build mobile applications.

You can do it in a cross-platform way where you can build it in one environment that deploys to multiple different mobile platforms like uh ios or android. You can do it with JavaScript or flutter.

there’s lots of different options there on how you can create a mobile app so you definitely pick your strategy on how you decide to create your mobile application there’s pros and cons for each strategy but those are the types of things you want to learn generally speaking as a mobile developer now let’s talk about the blockchain side of things which is how do you make your mobile lab talk to the blockchain.

well you would use some sort of blockchain based library let’s just take the javascript example let’s say you’re going to build it react native so that it compile for android or ios and also for web well you would create the application in javascript okay with like react uh native and then you would use some sort of blockchain based library like ethers.js or web3js to make those transactions to the blockchain store the user’s private key on the device in a secure encrypted way.

and then also fetch information back from the blockchain just like that all right so that’s an overview of what blockchain developers do or the types of things you might you might do if you learn blockchain and actually build something for real so now let’s look at if you’re gonna do any of those things i’m going to answer two questions at the same time.

I talked about some of them, but I’m going to talk about it at the same time as this question about which block chain should I use because you might be overwhelmed by a list of all the technologies out there, so I’m going to give you some options and then also give you my opinion and its stance on this.

So let’s start with the main programming languages that I see demand for in the marketplace and talk about which ones you should learn based on your goals, and then like I said before, if you don’t know where to start and just want someone to tell you what to do, I’ll tell you what to do okay so let’s let’s look at the main ones out there so far there is massive massive massive demand for the solidity programming language.

and the cool thing about this is it’s compatible with lots of different blockchains it primarily works on Ethereum that’s what it’s created for in the first place we have all these evm compatible chains that’s the Ethereum virtual machine we have lots of um blockchains that run those so if you learn splitter t you can create smart contracts for multiple different blockchains like uh polygon binance smart chain avalanche uh phantom and a lot more.

okay so um there’s that that’s that’s the main one for back end smart contracts now there’s some others for back-end smart contracts like rust okay c c plus plus okay so these two right here are growing popularity uh with the solana ecosystem okay so if you want to learn salon development and you wanna learn smart contracts and then these would be great languages to learn for that as well so let’s go beyond just the smart contracts.

and talk about you know other things you would be doing as a blockchain developer if you if you don’t know what to do my next suggestion is that you learn JavaScript so why is that because it’s the most versatile language that you can learn in addition to solidity to enhance what you’d be doing with blockchain because.

In many circumstances, you’ll need to develop something where the user can see what they’re doing with a smart contract, even if it’s not for your job. If you’re learning, JavaScript will be a programming language that you can use to achieve that much better than something like python.

Okay, JavaScript will also allow you to perform general-purpose tasks with your blockchain-based applications, such as writing tests and scripts. It’s a great general-purpose language that covers a lot of the other bases that solidity does not, so if you’re watching this video and don’t know what to do, start with solidity, which is the most important thing, and then learn JavaScript as you go to cover all the other bases.

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